Monday, January 31, 2011

This will be me

So I have the flu :( but on the bright side I have been watching Great Dane videos on Youtube.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Never Gets Old

I went on a scholarship visit today and the kids were totally bonkers (kindergarten), but they say the funniest things and it never gets old.

Columbus isn't always the greatest but I know it will get better. Having hope that something exciting and important is going to happen here never gets old.

Listening to my old music when I'm not feeling like myself, and being content with the music I have, (aka not having to compete in the Knoxville race to ultimate cool) never gets old:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I left my house this morning and heard screaming behind my house (obviously not until after I walked out the front door) so I started walking an alternate route to avoid whatever was happening (someone dying?, two crazy people having a yelling contest?). It turned out to be a drunk man on a bike--in the snow (no one is surprised) and he is riding towards me in order to shout hateful things about women. Now, I'm not exactly sure how many terrible things a woman would have to do to you for you to get to this point..which means he was just a typical crazy on a bike; however, this is not how I like starting my day. He caught up to me and screamed and then went on his wobbly way. I shed a tear or two and turned around to go a different way again and--here's the ironic part--the boy next door that I hate had been watching him through his window and rushed outside to see if I was okay. Who would have thought?

Thursday, January 20, 2011


There is so much of it.

I thought it was just me that always thought this, but I heard a guy walking past me today say, "No matter which way you're walking it is always blowing right in your face." Brilliant. I have proposed this theory to a lot of people and they just think I'm bitter. A moment later I saw a puppy on campus and that never happens...God must have liked me this afternoon or something.  

I worked tonight and got to videotape an artist lecture. Basically, I was propped up in the back and managed to miss the beginning of the lecture when he was introduced because I didn't know what he looked like. I hurriedly turned the camera on and fidgeted with the tilt (which didn't really work) and the zoom and tried to maneuver the tripod they gave me so that it would pan. I would frame it and then the tripod head would come to life and move off-center. So many terrible noises will be on that tape. Points for Leah. Afterwards, I put everything away and went into the back where I exchanged several awkward moments with the artist. After listening to his comments and watching slides of his work I have developed a few more opinions about art (I'm not sure what my previous opinions were):

1. I like art a lot more when the artist is explaining it to me rather than me trying to make something up on my own or pull meaning out of the title. This being said, I think art is in a monogamous relationship with its creator--meaning--best understood by them and possibly never fully understood by others.

2. Art exhibits are much more enjoyable at night when it's quiet, empty, and I don't have to worry that the pace of my meandering is being judged by the "real" artists around me.

3. Art seems more significant during the doldrums of winter.

4. Sometimes the most unlikely of people are artists--it gives me comfort to look at a normal-looking Joe who has created something amazing.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


The pictures I post are getting taken away...I give credit and everything...why must someone make my day sad? I parked at a parking meter tonight and complained to my friend that the meters at starbucks are twice as much as city meters and a man walking past me said, "No they're not." Like I asked you. Shut up. Ugh.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Do you ever...

... have those nights where you wonder, "Where did everyone go?"

photo by: Cole Rise

I feel separated and unproductive. I feel like there isn't anyone who really gets me anymore. I know it's an angsty statement. On the bright side, I like my job a lot even though I'm just the office copy machine brat. I'm trying to make friends with people in the Wex. Most of them must be interesting, but I don't think I'm off to a running start. For example:

Cafe conversation #1:

Me: "Hi (smiles), may I have a 12 oz bumblebee?"
Barista Man: (previously occupied) "Oh, hey yeah, it'll just be a minute." 


Me: "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you closed at 4...and it's 4...
Barista Man: Nah, it's fine."

*gives me drink, hands me receipt to sign. I sign the receipt and slide it towards him and it slips in between a crack in the glass and falls into the counter*

Me: " you must really hate me." 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First day of work

Supervisor: Can you make labels for the new books we just bought? You know how to make labels in Word, right?

Me: Yeah, of course.

Me (thoughts): Not at all.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Winter Quarter '11

Dear Calculus II,

I have been avoiding you for 3 full quarters since Calculus I, but this winter quarter--it is happening--and I am scared of you.