Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pictures of Others

Here are some photos I found in a box with an old Polaroid Swinger camera. I finally located one of the rolls of film I dug up last summer from Goodwill and I'll have it developed in a few hours (hopefully something is on it). If not, oh well, I think searching for old photos is one of my new favorite things :) I could stare at them for hours and think about their lives..

Thursday, September 8, 2011

On The Move.

So in case no one has quite noticed yet...I can't stay in one place. If you hadn't, it's alright because I just now noticed it myself--as in, committed a full thought to it for more than a fleeting moment. I feel the need "to move", almost always. It's almost like I only like the process of traveling or moving because, without fail, my feelings of wanting to move recycle as soon as I land. Maybe I can travel in my job when I get older...I don't know, but for now I'm here for three years and it's my doing. That should yield an interesting result.