... have those nights where you wonder, "Where did everyone go?"

photo by: Cole Rise
I feel separated and unproductive. I feel like there isn't anyone who really gets me anymore. I know it's an angsty statement. On the bright side, I like my job a lot even though I'm just the office copy machine brat. I'm trying to make friends with people in the Wex. Most of them must be interesting, but I don't think I'm off to a running start. For example:
Cafe conversation #1:
Me: "Hi (smiles), may I have a 12 oz bumblebee?"
Barista Man: (previously occupied) "Oh, hey yeah, it'll just be a minute."
Me: "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you closed at 4...and it's 4...
Barista Man: Nah, it's fine."
*gives me drink, hands me receipt to sign. I sign the receipt and slide it towards him and it slips in between a crack in the glass and falls into the counter*
Me: "Oh...now you must really hate me."
Are you serious? who won't like you? Leah, get your chin up! you will be great :) I came back to my work on friday and they hired 3 new girls with names Anastasia, Annie, and Anna...that's a joke! They obviously hate me for having a 2 week amazing vacation and I felt like they did that on purpose.