My friend and I drove 40 minutes today to explore the joys of a flea market. It experience; one that I would encourage everyone to have, but you must enter with an open mind.
We weren't there 1o minutes without one vendor mentioning that, "we weren't from around there were we", a monkey on a leash (this made me upset), as well as various stands advertising "boiled peanuts" (whatever those are) and funnel cakes. 50% of the vendors were creepy, and 50% were lovely.
I cautiously ventured into a booth with a women selling all of her mother's antique jewelry for only 3$ a piece! Naturally, I lost it, and fell victim to the low prices. I came away with 3 rings and a pair of earrings; now if that isn't recycling I don't know what is, and it's much cuter than hauling all my bottles to the recycling center :) My friend came away with 2 rings, and oodles of local produce and peach cider that we deemed acceptable.



Oh the joys of what a full night at Godiva does to my face and mental health.
The pictures do no justice to the rings...the little turquoise one is a dove, the middle a silver diamond shaped cheese grater of sorts, and the first has all of these decorative speckles of golds and primary colors!
In other news..I hear an owl hooting...very cool. Now I will stop rambling.
I love love love them, AND must say that for being exposed to today's day at Godiva, you're lookin' pretty good there. WINK. haha