Today I ordered an herb/gardening catalogue online...I am worried that this may mean I am slipping more into my future "Ag-campus self" and that it will eventually pop my suburban wanna-be city girl outer bubble. I move back to Columbus in 10 days and I can honestly say that on the list of top five things I am most excited about, the Farmer's Market on Thursday's at the Wexner Center makes it on there.
1. Friends
2. Exploring Columbus via the joys of having my car
3. Apartment (once I find a bed which I am currently not having any luck with. I'll be on an air mattress spilling my tea everywhere before bed as I slosh around on it trying to find an acceptable position).
4. School, classes, learning, etc.
5. Sunday morning meditations at Yoga on High
6. Wexner Center films
7. Seeing my daddy more :)
8. Farmer's Market
Okay that was eight, and in no particular order.
Anyway, like I was saying, I want to grow herbs in the spring for herbal tea which gives me plenty of time to read up on that stuff..that stuff that you do with dirt? And water? Oh god, I always kill plants. Side note, did you know you can grow potatos in buckets on your porch?
My roomate is going to kill me this Spring...