Monday, May 16, 2011


I can't control my excitement. I probably shouldn't blog about this yet because it's not entirely certain, but I am planning to travel to Prague for the month of July to attend a film workshop! Since I heard back from them this morning I have been making lists and plans and trying to decide if it's a good choice. Anyway, just a heads up for my friends that I might not be around for July.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lucky Duck

Cold Cave is coming to the Wexner Center in two weeks! Right after Twin Shadow no less. Twin Shadow was great by the way (but the venue was terrible). If I were to converse with George it would go something like:

"Your jean jacket, white mesh shirt and bun was everything I had hoped. Your 80's revival-synth-rock brought me nostalgically back to a decade I never experienced. Soon everyone will love you since you are playing at Bonnaroo but I know that we will always have something special." --Leah

I'm also confirming that Spring is definitely here. It was very warm today. It feels so nice...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Spring, Maybe.

Today was officially the first day that I could walk outside in a t-shirt and jeans and not be cold and the caterpillars are also blooming so I think it might finally be Spring in Columbus. The caterpillars here are odd and they hang from all of the trees on their (caterpillar matter?) so it looks like they are floating in the air. Sound creepy? It is! I've walked right into them before and I had a nice little caterpillar on my shoulder when I got to class. Work was nice today. I got to hand draw and make buttons to give out at our event this Saturday, at which I will be chasing after kids making sock puppets. Buttons drawn include; a pig face with 50% of the button being nose, a film camera, an 80's boombox, a bird, and a handful of designs. I'm sort of wondering who in the world is going to pick up some of the things I drew. Oh, and I got a free cupcake from the cafe--score. Afterwards, I ate dinner at Kitzingers in German Village. I really love German Village. I will miss all of the little "villages" that Columbus has, they are neat to explore...I had to milk the day since it's going to be raining for the next week (literally).